Sunday, April 03, 2011

Welcome Home!

Welcome to "Renee's Space", my new home on the web. It's been a while since I've been able to access my Blogger account due to multiple passwords and memory failure, but now I'm up and running again (though a bit rusty in the blogging department!).

I'm just happy to be able to read my old posts again, both here (formerly "87 Gentle Street") and in the newly-renovated Blogger home of "The Prada Mama Chronicles". I invite you now to join me as I enter these portals into my past. Some of these stories may amuse, some will make you cry, some may even offend, but all of them will shed light on just what it is that makes me the person that I am right now.

So thank you, for taking that first step to knowing me better.

Read on.


Renee Sereno

(p.s. I would like to thank Ate Sienna for hosting me so generously all those years in I have met many wonderful people through Pansitan, many of whom still remain my online friends.)

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